Short Research Stays

Starting 2024, the Cooperation Project with the GUC offers funded short-term research stays for researchers (PhD-candidates and Postdocs) from all fields. This exchange takes place both ways: PhD-candidates and postdocs from all Higher Education Institutions in Germany are invited to spend up to two months in Cairo in order to participate in selected research projects situated at the GUC. At the same time, researchers at the GUC are given the opportunity to spend a similar duration at a German partner institution.
This instrument is intended to highlight the opportunities that researchers have for academic cooperation with the participating partner universities. In addition to intercultural aspects, they also receive important impulses for building and expanding their professional network and familiarise themselves with research structures in a foreign country. 


2 weeks up to 2 months in the period between June - August (GUC-researchers) OR between August - October (researchers from German institutions)

If you are interested, please submit your application documents containing:

  • CV
  • Research schedule
  • invitation from a GUC-professor stating the supervision of the research project
  • Copy of the master's degree certificate

To the following email: guc(at)

If you require assistance in your search for a suitable partnering GUC-professor, kindly send an inquiry to:


Prof. Frank Gunzer

Vice President for International Affairs


German University in Cairo – GUC
New Cairo City - Main Entrance of Al Tagamoa Al Khames, Egypt