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The Cooperation Project With The German University in Cairo
The Cooperation Project With The German University in Cairo
Studying in Germany
Studying in Germany
Study Opportunities and Scholarships
Study Opportunities and Scholarships
Language Courses
Bachelor Thesis in Germany
Master Thesis in Germany
International Master Programmes in Ulm and Stuttgart
PhD Research Stays
Where to study in Germany
Where to study in Germany
Other German Institutions of Higher Education
After Being Accepted
Arriving, Living and Studying in Germany
Returning to the GUC
About the GUC
About the GUC
Study Programmes at the GUC
Study Programmes at the GUC
Media Engineering and Technology
Information Engineering and Technology
Engineering and Materials Science
Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Management Technology
Applied Sciences and Arts
Faculty of Law and Legal Studies
Mutual Research and Teaching
Mutual Research and Teaching
Funding Opportunities and Application Process
Funding Opportunities and Application Process
Joint Teaching
Short Research Stays
Joint Research Projects
PhD Research Stays in Germany
Reimbursement and Reallocation of Funds
Reimbursement and Reallocation of Funds
Flight and Transportation
Accommodation and daily allowance
Workshops and Summer Schools
Conferences and Publications
Student Helps and Consumables
Other expenses and Budget Changes
About Us
About Us
Universität Ulm
Universität Stuttgart
Universität Tübingen
GUC German Office in Ulm
Contacts at the GUC
The Cooperation Project With The German University in Cairo
Studying in Germany
Come to Germany
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