Reimbursement and Reallocation of Funds

In the research projects funded through the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, different people are responsible for reimbursements depending on the location:

  • if you are working in a research project with the University of Stuttgart: Ms. Nina Susanne Rößler
  • if you are working in a research project with the University of Tübingen: Mr. Raimund Nieß
  • if you are working in a research project with another German university: Mr. Felix Bock

If your expenses are to be reimbursed directly via the GUC, then Mr. Ahmad Halim is responsible for you.

Reimbursement applications should be submitted directly after the research stay. Please note that all reimbursement documents must be submitted by 15.12. of a year at the latest. If you hand in your documents later than this, it cannot be guaranteed that you will be reimbursed.

General Procedure

Expenses incurred during research stays in the context of funded research projects will be reimbursed as follows:

  1. all relevant invoices and payment receipts (airline, train, and local transportation, hotel bills, etc.) are being collected,

  2. a reimbursement form is filled (forms are available to research project leaders) and then

  3. all original documents are handed in to the responsible person.