Other German Institutions of Higher Education
Germany is truly the paradise of higher education. Countless different courses (that include, but are not limited to a wide selection of courses in English!) which are at your disposal, offered at worldwide ranked universities, with degrees that are highly regarded globally await you. The quality of education means that employers from all over the world will look upon you with veneration, knowing that your full potential was unlocked.
For international students, Germany is an attractive country to study in because you are allowed to work part time, and there is a wide range of jobs to choose from. The working experience will surely contribute to your future employability!
When you are not busy with your courses, studying in Germany allows you to freely travel within the Schengen countries, as well as partake in Erasmus programms, that are the gateways to having semesters abroad.

All over Germany there are more than 400 higher education institutions with more than three million students. The DAAD provides a definition of the different types of higher education institutions . The following homepages can help you to find an appropriate study program that suits your qualification:
- The Higher Education Compass, which gives an overview over all current degree programs in Germany;
- International Programmes, where you can find international Bachelor and Master degree programs, most of which are in English;
- The Ranking of the Centre for Higher Education CHE, which allows you to evaluate and compare higher education institutions.